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Diagram for 01 - Cover Sheet
01 - Cover Sheet
Diagram for 02 - Color Variation Parts
02 - Color Variation Parts
Diagram for 03 - Base And Pedestal Unit Parts
03 - Base And Pedestal Unit Parts
Diagram for 04 - Case, Gearing And Planetary Unit Parts
04 - Case, Gearing And Planetary Unit Parts
Diagram for 05 - Motor And Control Unit Parts
05 - Motor And Control Unit Parts

01 - Cover Sheet

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Diagram for KSM150PSAP0

Item # Part # Description Price / Status Add to Cart  
Not Available

02 - Color Variation Parts

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Diagram for KSM150PSAP0

Item # Part # Description Price / Status Add to Cart  
1 24029116 Motor Housing (almond Creme) Not Available
1A W10383541 Motor Housing (apple Cider) $87.45
In-Stock (VEN)
1AI W10572197 Motor Housing (grenadine) $87.45
In-Stock (VEN)
1AJ W11113874 Motor Housing (guava Glaze) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1AK 9707662 Motor Housing (ice / Ice Blue) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1AL 9704790 Motor Housing (imperial Black) $84.90
Special Order
1AM 24029122 Motor Housing (imperial Grey) Not Available
1AN W11113875 Housing $84.90
Special Order
1AO 9706823 Motor Housing (lavender) Not Available
1AP W10678736 Motor Housing (lavender Cream) $84.90
Special Order
1AQ 9707152 Motor Housing (lemon) $28.79
In-Stock (VEN)
1AR W10513207 Motor Housing (liquid Graphite) $87.45
In-Stock (VEN)
1AA 24029121 Motor Housing (empire Red) Not Available
1AS 24029120 Motor Housing (majestic Yellow) Not Available
1AT 9709398 Motor Housing (mango) Not Available
1AU WP9707433 Motor Housing (martha Green) $57.11
Special Order
1AV W11113873 Motor Housing (matte Black Violet) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1AW W11170226 Motor Housing (matte Gray) $77.71
In-Stock (VEN)
1AX W11113872 Motor Housing (milkshake / Matte Milkshake) $84.90
Special Order
1AY W11170228 Motor Housing (matte White) $77.71
Special Order
1AZ WPW10444230 Motor Housing (medallion Silver) $81.35
Special Order
1B W10193501 Motor Housing (aqua Sky) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1BA 9708286 Motor Housing (melon) $55.70
In-Stock (VEN)
1BB W10637140 Motor Housing (meringue) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1AB W10383627 Motor Housing (espresso) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1BC 9704025 Motor Housing (metallic Chrome) $87.45
Special Order
1BD W11170230 Motor Housing (ocean Drive) $77.71
Special Order
1BE 24029113 Motor Housing (onyx Black) Not Available
1BF W10193514 Motor Housing (pear) $84.90
Special Order
1BG W10128417 Motor Housing (pearl Metallic) $87.45
In-Stock (VEN)
1BH 9709613 Motor Housing (persimmon) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1BI 9706473 Motor Housing (pink) $84.90
Special Order
1BJ 9706836 Motor Housing (pistachio) $84.90
Special Order
1BK W10802438 Motor Housing (red Cayenne) Not Available
1AC W10181821 Motor Housing (french Blue) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1BL 9709385 Motor Housing (reef Blue) $88.41
In-Stock (VEN)
1BM W11349621 Motor Housing (shaded Palm) $87.61
Special Order
1BN W10121193 Motor Housing (silver Metallic) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1BO 9708877 Motor Housing (spicy Orange) $70.70
In-Stock (VEN)
1BP 9707139 Motor Housing (sunflower/meyer Lemon) Not Available
1BQ W10181794 Motor Housing (sunshine Yellow) Not Available
1BR 9709372 Motor Housing (surf Green) $91.39
In-Stock (VEN)
1BS 9706849 Motor Housing (tangerine) Not Available
1BT W10539816 Motor Housing (truffle) $87.45
In-Stock (VEN)
1BU W10788459 Motor Housing (twilight Blue) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1BV 9708221 Motor Housing (vanilla) $56.21
In-Stock (VEN)
1AD 9706678 Motor Housing (glacier Blue) Not Available
1BW 9708299 Motor Housing (violet) Not Available
1BX 9707649 Motor Housing (wasabi/citron) Not Available
1BY W10564356 Motor Housing (watermelon) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1BZ 2402911 Motor Housing (white) Not Available
1C W10140788 Motor Housing (bayleaf) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1CA 9709891 Motor Housing (williams-sonoma Green) Not Available
1CB W10255156 Motor Housing (yellow Citrus) $65.28
In-Stock (VEN)
1CC W10266833 Housing $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1CD W11431674 Motor Housing (feather Pink) $84.02
Special Order
1AE 9709442 Motor Housing (gloss Cinnamon) $84.90
Special Order
1CE W11357463 Motor Housing (kyoto Glow) $81.10
Special Order
1CF W11444673 Motor Housing (mineral Water Blue) $89.09
Special Order
1CG W11298420 Motor Housing (signature Red) $87.61
Special Order
1CH W11444680 Motor Housing (scorched Orange) $92.73
Special Order
1D 9709664 Motor Housing (bing Cherry) $91.39
In-Stock (VEN)
1E W11209486 Motor Housing (bird Of Paradise) $87.61
Special Order
1F W11170225 Motor Housing (black Matte) $77.71
In-Stock (VEN)
1G W10787892 Motor Housing (blue Steel) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1H 9709600 Motor Housing (blue Willow) $84.90
Special Order
1I W10725880 Motor Housing (bordeaux) $87.45
In-Stock (VEN)
1AF WP9707126 Motor Housing (grape) $79.88
Special Order
1J W10140801 Motor Housing (boysenberry) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1K 9709903 Motor Housing (buttercup) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1L W10239115 Motor Housing (candy Apple) $87.45
Special Order
1M W10589974 Motor Housing (canopy Green) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1N 9705243 Motor Housing (caviar) $102.26
Special Order
1O W10754815 Motor Housing (champagne) $87.45
In-Stock (VEN)
1P 9708141 Motor Housing (chocolate) Not Available
1Q W11209510 Motor Housing (cinnamon) $87.61
Special Order
1R 9709734 Motor Housing (clementine) Not Available
1S 2402917 Motor Housing (cobalt Blue) Not Available
1AG W10181807 Motor Housing (grass Green) $65.28
In-Stock (VEN)
1T W10350463 Housing $84.90
Special Order
1U W10513208 Motor Housing (copper Pearl) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1V 9709746 Motor Housing (cornflower Blue) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1W 9706796 Motor Housing (cranberry/flamingo) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
1X 9707165 Motor Housing (crystal Blue) Not Available
1Y 9709517 Motor Housing (dark Plum) $88.41
In-Stock (VEN)
1Z 24029110 Motor Housing (empire Green) Not Available
1AH 9709688 Motor Housing (green Apple) $84.90
In-Stock (VEN)
2 9706630 Trim Band (black/silver) $31.45
In-Stock (VEN)
2A 9706632 Trim Band (almond Cream) Not Available
2B 9706659 Trim Band (white On White) $30.02
In-Stock (VEN)
2C W11188411 Band-trim $17.16
Special Order
3 24025316 End Cover (almond Creme) Not Available
3AH 9709683 End Cover (green Apple) $40.48
Special Order
3AI W10572184 End Cover (grenadine) $41.39
In-Stock (VEN)
3AJ W11113836 End Cover (guava Glaze) $40.48
In-Stock (VEN)
3AK 9707667 End Cover (ice / Ice Blue) $37.18
Special Order
3AL 24025313 End Cover (imperial Black) Not Available
3AM 24025323 End Cover (imperial Grey) Not Available
3AN W11113833 Cover $40.48
In-Stock (VEN)
3AO 9706828 End Cover (lavender) Not Available
3AP W10678729 End Cover (lavender Cream) $40.48
In-Stock (VEN)
3AQ 9707157 End Cover (lemon) $22.64
In-Stock (VEN)
3AR W10512234 End Cover (liquid Graphite) $41.39
In-Stock (VEN)
3AS 24025321 End Cover (majestic Yellow) Not Available
3AT 9709393 End Cover (mango) Not Available
3AU 9707438 End Cover (martha Green) $22.64
In-Stock (VEN)
3AV W11113837 End Cover (matte Black Violet) $40.48
In-Stock (VEN)
3AW W11170246 End Cover (matte Gray) $25.30
Special Order
3AX W11113835 End Cover (milkshake / Matte Milkshake) $40.48
Special Order
3AY W11170248 End Cover (matte White) $25.30
In-Stock (VEN)
3AZ WPW10435298 End Cover (medallion Silver) $26.54
In-Stock (VEN)
3B W10193496 End Cover (aqua Sky) $37.18
In-Stock (VEN)
3BA 9708291 End Cover (melon) $43.25
In-Stock (VEN)
3BB W10637134 End Cover (meringue) $40.48
In-Stock (VEN)
3BC 2402534 End Cover (metallic Chrome) Not Available
3BD W11170249 End Cover (ocean Drive) $25.30
In-Stock (VEN)
3BE 24025314 End Cover (onyx Black) Not Available
3BF W10193509 End Cover (pear) $37.18
In-Stock (VEN)
3BG WPW10128412 End Cover (pearl Metallic) $25.73
In-Stock (VEN)
3BH 9709608 End Cover (persimmon) $40.48
In-Stock (VEN)
3BI 9706469 End Cover (pink) $40.48
Special Order
3BJ 9706841 End Cover (pistachio) $37.18
In-Stock (VEN)
3BK W10802432 End Cover (red Cayenne) Not Available
3BL 9709380 End Cover (reef Blue) $39.65
In-Stock (VEN)
3BM W11349627 End Cover (shaded Palm) $37.18
Special Order
3BN W10121188 End Cover (silver Metallic) $37.18
Special Order
3BO 9708872 End Cover (spicy Orange) $36.17
In-Stock (VEN)
3BP 9707144 End Cover (sunflower/meyer Lemon) $22.64
In-Stock (VEN)
3BQ W10181789 End Cover (sunshine Yellow) $33.51
In-Stock (VEN)
3BR 9709367 End Cover (surf Green) $40.07
In-Stock (VEN)
3BS 9706854 End Cover (tangerine) $37.18
In-Stock (VEN)
3BT W10539809 End Cover (truffle) $41.39
In-Stock (VEN)
3BU W10788453 End Cover (twilight Blue) $37.18
In-Stock (VEN)
3BV 9708226 End Cover (vanilla) Not Available
3BW 9708304 End Cover (violet) Not Available
3BX 9707654 End Cover (wasabi/citron) $40.07
In-Stock (VEN)
3BY W10564338 End Cover (watermelon) $40.48
In-Stock (VEN)
3BZ 2402531 End Cover (white) Not Available
3C W10140783 End Cover (bayleaf) $37.18
Special Order
3CA 9709886 End Cover (williams-sonoma Green) $36.06
In-Stock (VEN)
3CB W10255151 End Cover (yellow Citrus) $35.76
In-Stock (VEN)
3CC W10266822 End Cover (yellow Pepper) $37.18
In-Stock (VEN)
3CD W11431666 End Cover (feather Pink) $38.11
Special Order
3CE W11357462 End Cover (kyoto Glow) $34.01
Special Order
3CF W11444606 End Cover (mineral Water Blue) $38.11
Special Order
3CG W11298415 End Cover (signature Red) $37.18
Special Order
3CH W11444613 End Cover (scorched Orange) $37.92
Special Order
3D 9709659 End Cover (bing Cherry) $43.25
In-Stock (VEN)
3E W11209489 End Cover (bird Of Paradise) $37.18
Special Order
3F W11170239 End Cover (black Matte) $25.30
In-Stock (VEN)
3G W10787886 End Cover (blue Steel) $40.48
In-Stock (VEN)
3H 9709595 End Cover (blue Willow) $37.18
Special Order
3I W10725808 End Cover (bordeaux) $41.39
In-Stock (VEN)
3J W10140796 End Cover (boysenberry) $37.18
Special Order
3K 9709898 End Cover (buttercup) $37.18
Special Order
3L WPW10239110 End Cover (candy Apple) $23.98
Special Order
3M W10589968 End Cover (canopy Green) $40.48
In-Stock (VEN)
3N 9705241 End Cover (caviar) $40.48
In-Stock (VEN)
3O W10754809 End Cover (champagne) $41.39
In-Stock (VEN)
3P 9708146 End Cover (chocolate) Not Available
3Q W11209512 End Cover (cinnamon) $37.18
Special Order
3R 9709729 End Cover (clementine) $36.59
In-Stock (VEN)
3S 2402538 End Cover (cobalt Blue) Not Available
3T W10350456 Cover $37.18
Special Order
3U W10512235 End Cover (copper Pearl) $37.18
Special Order
3V 9709741 End Cover (cornflower Blue) $40.48
In-Stock (VEN)
3W 9706801 End Cover (cranberry/flamingo) $37.18
In-Stock (VEN)
3X 9707170 End Cover (crystal Blue) $22.64
In-Stock (VEN)
3Y 9709512 End Cover (dark Plum) $39.65
In-Stock (VEN)
3Z 24025311 End Cover (empire Green) Not Available
3A W10383578 End Cover (apple Cider) $41.39
In-Stock (VEN)
3AA 24025322 End Cover (empire Red) Not Available
3AB W10383633 End Cover (espresso) $40.48
In-Stock (VEN)
3AC W10181816 End Cover (french Blue) $37.18
Special Order
3AD 9706668 End Cover (glacier Blue) $32.58
In-Stock (VEN)
3AE 9709437 End Cover (gloss Cinnamon) $37.18
In-Stock (VEN)
3AF 9707131 End Cover (grape) $37.18
In-Stock (VEN)
3AG W10181802 End Cover (grass Green) $33.51
In-Stock (VEN)
4 24028618 Planetary (almond Creme) Not Available
4A W10383560 Planetary (apple Cider) $39.04
In-Stock (VEN)
4AA 24028623 Planetary (empire Red) Not Available
4AB W10383631 Planetary (espresso) $38.43
Special Order
4AC W10181818 Planetary (french Blue) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4AD 9706695 Planetary (glacier Blue) $35.55
In-Stock (VEN)
4AE 9709439 Planetary (gloss Cinnamon) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4AF 9707129 Planetary (grape) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4AG W10181804 Planetary (grass Green) $35.66
In-Stock (VEN)
4AH 9709685 Planetary (green Apple) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4AI W10572189 Planetary (grenadine) $39.04
In-Stock (VEN)
4AJ W11113889 Planetary (guava Glaze) $41.50
In-Stock (VEN)
4AK 9707665 Planetary (ice / Ice Blue) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4AL 9704797 Planetary (imperial Black) $38.43
Special Order
4AM 24028624 Planetary (imperial Grey) Not Available
4AN W11113890 Planetary (ink Blue) $41.50
Special Order
4AO 9706826 Planetary (lavender) Not Available
4AP W10678731 Planetary (lavender Cream) $41.50
In-Stock (VEN)
4AQ 9707155 Planetary (lemon) $23.16
In-Stock (VEN)
4AR W10512355 Planetary $39.04
In-Stock (VEN)
4AS 24028622 Planetary (majestic Yellow) Not Available
4AT 9709395 Planetary (mango) $43.05
In-Stock (VEN)
4AU 9707436 Planetary (martha Green) $35.55
In-Stock (VEN)
4AV W11113888 Planetary (matte Black Violet) $41.50
In-Stock (VEN)
4AW W11170307 Planetary (matte Gray) $21.33
In-Stock (VEN)
4AX W11113886 Planetary (milkshake / Matte Milkshake) $41.50
In-Stock (VEN)
4AY W11170308 Planetary (matte White) $21.33
In-Stock (VEN)
4AZ WPW10444039 Planetary (medallion Silver) $29.92
Special Order
4B W10193498 Planetary (aqua Sky) $38.43
Special Order
4BA 9708289 Planetary (melon) $35.25
In-Stock (VEN)
4BB W10637136 Planetary (meringue) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4BC 9706670 Planetary (metallic Chrome) $39.04
Special Order
4BD W11170309 Planetary (ocean Drive) $21.33
In-Stock (VEN)
4BE 24028616 Planetary (onyx Black) Not Available
4BF W10193511 Planetary (pear) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4BG W10128414 Planetary (pearl Metallic) $39.04
In-Stock (VEN)
4BH 9709610 Planetary (persimmon) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4BI 9706475 Planetary (pink) $38.43
Special Order
4BJ 9706839 Planetary (pistachio) $38.43
Special Order
4BK W10802434 Planetary (red Cayenne) Not Available
4BL 9709382 Planetary (reef Blue) $35.66
In-Stock (VEN)
4BM W11349622 Planetary (shaded Palm) $38.22
Special Order
4BC 9706670 Planetary (metallic Chrome) $39.04
Special Order
4BO 9708874 Planetary (spicy Orange) $44.88
In-Stock (VEN)
4BP 9707142 Planetary (sunflower/meyer Lemon) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4BQ W10181791 Planetary (sunshine Yellow) $35.66
In-Stock (VEN)
4BR 9709369 Planetary (surf Green) Not Available
4BS 9706852 Planetary (tangerine) $41.50
Special Order
4BT W10539813 Planetary (truffle) $42.21
In-Stock (VEN)
4BU W10788455 Planetary (twilight Blue) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4BV 9708224 Planetary (vanilla) Not Available
4BW 9708302 Planetary (violet) $46.11
In-Stock (VEN)
4BX 9707652 Planetary (wasabi/citron) Not Available
4BY W10564344 Planetary (watermelon) $38.43
Special Order
4BZ 2402861 Planetary (white) Not Available
4C W10140785 Planetary (bayleaf) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4CA 9709888 Planetary (williams-sonoma Green) Not Available
4CB W10255153 Planetary (yellow Citrus) Not Available
4CC W10266829 Planetary (yellow Pepper) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4CD W11431675 Planetary (feather Pink) $33.71
Special Order
4CE W11357469 Planetary (kyoto Glow) $33.71
Special Order
4CF W11444675 Planetary (mineral Water Blue) $36.38
Special Order
4CG W11298422 Planetary (signature Red) $39.24
Special Order
4CH W11444682 Planetary (scorched Orange) $39.24
Special Order
4D 9709661 Planetary (bing Cherry) Not Available
4E W11209487 Planetary (bird Of Paradise) $38.22
Special Order
4F W11170306 Planetary (black Matte) $22.04
In-Stock (VEN)
4G W10787888 Planetary (blue Steel) $41.50
In-Stock (VEN)
4H 9709597 Planetary (blue Willow) $38.43
Special Order
4I W10725875 Planetary (bordeaux) $42.21
In-Stock (VEN)
4J W10140798 Planetary (boysenberry) $38.43
Special Order
4K 9709900 Planetary (buttercup) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4L W10239112 Planetary (candy Apple) $39.04
Special Order
4M W10589970 Planetary (canopy Green) $38.43
Special Order
4N 9705244 Planetary (caviar) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4O W10754811 Planetary (champagne) $42.21
In-Stock (VEN)
4P 9708144 Planetary (chocolate) Not Available
4Q W11209507 Planetary (cinnamon) $38.22
Special Order
4R 9709731 Planetary (clementine) $45.28
In-Stock (VEN)
4S 24028610 Planetary (cobalt Blue) Not Available
4T W10350465 Planetary (contour Silver) $38.43
Special Order
4U W10512356 Planetary (copper Pearl) $38.43
Special Order
4V 9709743 Planetary (cornflower Blue) $38.43
In-Stock (VEN)
4W 9706799 Planetary (cranberry/flamingo) $38.43
Special Order
4X 9707168 Planetary (crystal Blue) $23.16
In-Stock (VEN)
4Y 9709514 Planetary (dark Plum) $39.65
In-Stock (VEN)
4Z 24028613 Planetary (empire Green) Not Available
5 24035062 Lower Gearcase (almond Creme) Not Available
5A W10383533 Lower Gearcase (apple Cider) $55.99
In-Stock (VEN)
5AA 24035084 Lower Gearcase (empire Red) Not Available
5AB W10383623 Lower Gearcase (espresso) $54.36
Special Order
5AC W10181824 Lower Gearcase (french Blue) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5AD WP9706690 Gearcase $56.67
In-Stock (VEN)
5AE 9709445 Lower Gearcase (gloss Cinnamon) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5AF 9707123 Lower Gearcase (grape) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5AG W10181810 Lower Gearcase (grass Green) $73.27
In-Stock (VEN)
5AH 9709691 Lower Gearcase (green Apple) $54.36
Special Order
5AI W10572193 Lower Gearcase (grenadine) $55.99
In-Stock (VEN)
5AJ W11113861 Lower Gearcase (guava Glaze) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5AK 9707659 Gearcase $54.36
Special Order
5AL 9707103 Lower Gearcase (imperial Black) $54.36
Special Order
5AM 24035086 Lower Gearcase (imperial Grey) Not Available
5AN W11113862 Gearcase $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5AO 9706819 Lower Gearcase (lavender) Not Available
5AP W10678734 Lower Gearcase (lavender Cream) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5AQ 9707149 Lower Gearcase (lemon) $101.13
In-Stock (VEN)
5AR W10513075 Lower Gearcase (liquid Graphite) $55.99
In-Stock (VEN)
5AS 24035082 Lower Gearcase (majestic Yellow) Not Available
5AT 9709401 Lower Gearcase (mango) $53.65
In-Stock (VEN)
5AU WP9707430 Lower Gearcase (martha Green) $73.07
In-Stock (VEN)
5AV W11113860 Lower Gearcase (matte Black Violet) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5AW W11170234 Lower Gearcase (matte Gray) $94.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5AX W11113859 Lower Gearcase (milkshake / Matte Milkshake) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5AY W11170236 Lower Gearcase (matte White) $94.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5AZ WPW10444068 Lower Gearcase (medallion Silver) $99.70
Special Order
5B W10193504 Lower Gearcase (aqua Sky) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5BA 9708283 Lower Gearcase (melon) $62.52
In-Stock (VEN)
5BB W10637138 Lower Gearcase (meringue) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5BC 9706662 Gearcase $55.99
Special Order
5BD W11170238 Lower Gearcase (ocean Drive) $93.97
In-Stock (VEN)
5BE 24035056 Lower Gearcase (onyx Black) Not Available
5BF W10193517 Lower Gearcase (pear) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5BG W10128420 Lower Gearcase (pearl Metallic) $55.99
Special Order
5BH 9709616 Lower Gearcase (persimmon) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5BI 9706471 Lower Gearcase (pink) $54.36
Special Order
5BJ 9706832 Lower Gearcase (pistachio) $54.36
Special Order
5BK W10802436 Lower Gearcase (red Cayenne) Not Available
5BL 9709388 Lower Gearcase (reef Blue) $27.87
In-Stock (VEN)
5BM W11349619 Lower Gearcase (shaded Palm) $57.59
Special Order
5BN W10121196 Lower Gearcase (silver Metallic) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5BO 9708880 Lower Gearcase (spicy Orange) $54.92
In-Stock (VEN)
5BP WP9707136 Lower Gearcase (sunflower/meyer Lemon) $73.07
In-Stock (VEN)
5BQ W10181797 Lower Gearcase (sunshine Yellow) $73.27
In-Stock (VEN)
5BR 9709375 Lower Gearcase (surf Green) $51.78
In-Stock (VEN)
5BS 9706845 Gearcase $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5BT W10539814 Lower Gearcase (truffle) $55.99
In-Stock (VEN)
5BU W10788457 Lower Gearcase (twilight Blue) $52.73
In-Stock (VEN)
5BV 9708218 Lower Gearcase (vanilla) $62.91
In-Stock (VEN)
5BW 9708296 Lower Gearcase (violet) $62.91
In-Stock (VEN)
5BX 9707646 Lower Gearcase (wasabi/citron) Not Available
5BY W10564350 Lower Gearcase (watermelon) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5BZ 2403504 Lower Gearcase (white) Not Available
5C W10140791 Lower Gearcase (bayleaf) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5CA 9709894 Lower Gearcase (williams-sonoma Green) $54.92
In-Stock (VEN)
5CB W10255149 Lower Gearcase (yellow Citrus) $73.27
In-Stock (VEN)
5CC W10266836 Lower Gearcase (yellow Pepper) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5CD W11431679 Lower Gearcase (feather Pink) $51.70
Special Order
5CE W11357465 Lower Gearcase (kyoto Glow) $51.70
Special Order
5CF W11444671 Lower Gearcase (mineral Water Blue) $57.48
Special Order
5CG W11298417 Lower Gearcase (signature Red) $58.87
Special Order
5CH W11444678 Lower Gearcase (scorched Orange) $60.81
Special Order
5D 9709667 Lower Gearcase (bing Cherry) Not Available
5E W11209481 Lower Gearcase (bird Of Paradise) $58.87
Special Order
5F W11170233 Lower Gearcase (black Matte) $94.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5G W10787890 Lower Gearcase (blue Steel) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5H 9709603 Lower Gearcase (blue Willow) $54.36
Special Order
5I W10725878 Lower Gearcase (bordeaux) $55.99
In-Stock (VEN)
5J W10140804 Lower Gearcase (boysenberry) $54.36
Special Order
5K 9709906 Lower Gearcase (buttercup) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5L W10239118 Lower Gearcase (candy Apple Red) $55.99
In-Stock (VEN)
5M W10589972 Lower Gearcase (canopy Green) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5N 9706911 Gearcase $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5O W10754813 Lower Gearcase (champagne) $55.99
In-Stock (VEN)
5P WP9708138 Lower Gearcase (chocolate) $51.03
Special Order
5Q W11209505 Lower Gearcase (cinnamon) $58.87
Special Order
5R 9709737 Lower Gearcase (clementine) Not Available
5S 24035031 Lower Gearcase (cobalt Blue) Not Available
5T W10350459 Lower Gearcase (contour Silver) $54.36
Special Order
5U W10513176 Lower Gearcase (copper Pearl) $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5V 9709749 Lower Gearcase (cornflower Blue) Not Available
5W 9706792 Gearcase $54.36
In-Stock (VEN)
5X 9707162 Lower Gearcase (crystal Blue) Not Available
5Y 9709520 Lower Gearcase (dark Plum) $27.87
In-Stock (VEN)
5Z 24035046 Lower Gearcase (empire Green) Not Available
6 24015115 Pedestal (almond Creme) Not Available
6A W10605812 Pedestal (apple Cider) $80.85
In-Stock (VEN)
6AA 24015120 Pedestal (empire Red) Not Available
6AB W10403051 Pedestal (espresso) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6AC W10181826 Pedestal (french Blue) $74.34
In-Stock (VEN)
6AD WP9706687 Pedestal (glacier Blue) $59.94
In-Stock (VEN)
6AE 9709448 Pedestal (gloss Cinnamon) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6AF 9707121 Pedestal (grape) $74.34
In-Stock (VEN)
6AG W10181812 Pedestal (grass Green) $56.56
In-Stock (VEN)
6AH 9709693 Pedestal (green Apple) $74.34
In-Stock (VEN)
6AI W10572187 Pedestal (grenadine) $80.85
In-Stock (VEN)
6AJ W11113855 Pedestal (guava Glaze) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6AK 9707657 Pedestal (ice) $74.34
In-Stock (VEN)
6AL 9707101 Pedestal (imperial Black) $74.34
In-Stock (VEN)
6AM 24015121 Pedestal (imperial Grey) Not Available
6AN W11113856 Pedestl $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6AO WP9706818 Pedestal (lavender) $56.09
In-Stock (VEN)
6AP W10678730 Pedestal (lavender Cream) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6AQ 9707147 Pedestal (lemon) Not Available
6AR W10512279 Pedestal (liquid Graphite) $80.85
In-Stock (VEN)
6AS 24015119 Pedestal (majestic Yellow) Not Available
6AT 9709403 Pedestal (mango) Not Available
6AU WP9707428 Pedestal (martha Green) $59.94
In-Stock (VEN)
6AV W11113854 Pedestal (matte Black Violet) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6AW W11170301 Pedestal (matte Gray) $89.16
In-Stock (VEN)
6AX W11113853 Pedestal (matte Milkshake) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6AY W11170302 Pedestal (matte White) $89.16
In-Stock (VEN)
6AZ W11036962 Pedestal (medallion Silver) $80.85
In-Stock (VEN)
6B W10193507 Pedestl $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6BA 9708281 Pedestal (melon) $56.87
In-Stock (VEN)
6BB W10637135 Pedestal (meringue) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6BC 9706682 Pedestal (metallic Chrome) $76.96
In-Stock (VEN)
6BD W11170305 Pedestal (ocean Drive) $89.16
In-Stock (VEN)
6BE 24015113 Pedestal (onyx Black) Not Available
6BF W10193519 Pedestal (pear) $65.94
In-Stock (VEN)
6BG W10739353 Pedestal (pearl Metallic) $80.85
In-Stock (VEN)
6BH 9709618 Pedestal (persimmon) $74.34
In-Stock (VEN)
6BI 9706467 Pedestal (pink) $74.34
Special Order
6BJ 9706831 Pedestal (pistachio) $74.34
In-Stock (VEN)
6BK W10802428 Pedestal (red Cayenne) Not Available
6BL 9709390 Pedestal (reef Blue) $56.56
In-Stock (VEN)
6BM W11349616 Pedestal (shaded Palm) $80.59
Special Order
6BN W10121198 Pedestal (silver Metallic) $74.34
In-Stock (VEN)
6BO 9708882 Pedestal (spicy Orange) $68.67
In-Stock (VEN)
6BP WP9707134 Pedestal (sunflower/meyer Lemon) $56.09
In-Stock (VEN)
6BQ W10181799 Pedestal (sunshine Yellow) Not Available
6BR 9709377 Pedestal (surf Green) $56.56
In-Stock (VEN)
6BS 9706844 Pedestal (tangerine) $74.34
In-Stock (VEN)
6BT W10539811 Pedestal (truffle) $80.85
In-Stock (VEN)
6BU W10788449 Pedestal (twilight Blue) $72.76
In-Stock (VEN)
6BV 9708216 Pedestal (vanilla) $57.34
In-Stock (VEN)
6BW 9708294 Pedestal (violet) $56.87
In-Stock (VEN)
6BX 9707644 Pedestal (wasabi/citron) $87.45
In-Stock (VEN)
6BY W10564341 Pedestal (watermelon) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6BZ 2401511 Pedestal (white) Not Available
6C W10140793 Pedestal (bayleaf) $74.34
In-Stock (VEN)
6CA 9709896 Pedestal (williams-sonoma Green) $70.34
In-Stock (VEN)
6CB W10255146 Pedestal (yellow Citrus) $61.48
In-Stock (VEN)
6CC W10266839 Pedestal (yellow Pepper) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6CD W11444650 Pedestal (feather Pink) $84.08
Special Order
6CE W11357468 Pedestal (kyoto Glow) $81.10
Special Order
6CF W11444670 Pedestal (mineral Water Blue) $81.10
Special Order
6CG W11298419 Pedestal (signature Red) $80.59
Special Order
6CH W11444677 Pedestal (scorched Orange) $84.08
Special Order
6D 9709669 Pedestal (bing Cherry) $87.45
In-Stock (VEN)
6E W11231603 Pedestal (bird Of Paradise) $84.08
Special Order
6F W11170300 Pedestal (black Matte) $89.16
In-Stock (VEN)
6G W10787887 Pedestal (blue Steel) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6H WPW10247389 Pedestal (blue Willow) $101.68
In-Stock (VEN)
6I W10725874 Pedestal (bordeaux) $80.85
In-Stock (VEN)
6J W10140807 Pedestal (boysenberry) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6K 9709908 Pedestal (buttercup) $67.63
In-Stock (VEN)
6L W10239121 Pedestal (candy Apple Red) $80.85
In-Stock (VEN)
6M W10589969 Pedestal (canopy Green) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6N 9705237 Pedestal (caviar) $91.71
In-Stock (VEN)
6O W10754810 Pedestal (champagne) $80.85
In-Stock (VEN)
6P 9708136 Pedestal (chocolate) Not Available
6Q W11256635 Pedestal (cinnamon) $80.59
Special Order
6R 9709739 Pedestal (clementine) Not Available
6S 2401518 Pedestal (cobalt Blue) Not Available
6T W10350457 Pedestal (contour Silver) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6U W10512281 Pedestal (copper Pearl) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6V 9709751 Pedestal (cornflower Blue) $67.63
In-Stock (VEN)
6W 9706790 Pedestal (cranberry/flamingo) $78.29
In-Stock (VEN)
6X 9707160 Pedestal (crystal Blue) $36.98
In-Stock (VEN)
6Y 9709522 Pedestal (dark Plum) $80.85
In-Stock (VEN)
6Z 24015111 Pedestal (empire Green) Not Available

03 - Base And Pedestal Unit Parts

Search by Keyword(s):
Diagram for KSM150PSAP0

Item # Part # Description Price / Status Add to Cart  
1 W11118281 Use & Care Guide Not Available
2 W11312468 Shield, Pouring $39.71
In-Stock (VEN)
3 WPW10672617 WPW10672617 Whirlpool Wpw10672617 Stand Mixer Flat Beater $25.92
4 W11324096 Bowl, 5 Quart $84.02
Special Order
5 W11544572 Screw $6.67
In-Stock (VEN)
6 WPW10191926 Cap - Bowl Screw $14.50
7 WP9709707 Foot $3.87
8 WP9704329 WP9704329 Whirlpool Wp9704329 Stand Mixer Wire Whip $25.41
9 WPW10674618 WPW10674618 Whirlpool Wpw10674618 Stand Mixer Dough Hook, White $25.91
In-Stock (VEN)
10 W11246352 Latch $7.25
Special Order
11 WP24452 Whpl Lever Ltch $6.34
In-Stock (VEN)
12 WP110679 Screw $4.05
In-Stock (VEN)
13 WP116241 Washer, Spring $4.05
In-Stock (VEN)
14 W11218705 Washer $3.63
In-Stock (VEN)
15 W10802060 Screw $4.05
In-Stock (VEN)
16 W11232016 Link, Latch $6.80
In-Stock (VEN)
17 WP9709280 WP9709280 Whirlpool Wp9709280 Stand Mixer Lever Latch, Black $3.44
17B 2429283 Lever, Latch (buff) Not Available
17A 2429282 Lever, Latch (storm Grey) Not Available
18 WP16910 Pin-dowel $3.87
19 NP Pedestal (refer To Color Variation Parts Page) Not Available

04 - Case, Gearing And Planetary Unit Parts

Search by Keyword(s):
Diagram for KSM150PSAP0

Item # Part # Description Price / Status Add to Cart  
2 W11048596 W11048596 Whirlpool W11048596 Stand Mixer Hub Cap, Chrome $8.36
Special Order
2A 2427654 Cap, Attachment Hub (white) Not Available
2B 2427655 Cap, Attachment Hub (almond) Not Available
3 WP9709194 WP9709194 Whirlpool Wp9709194 Stand Mixer Thumb Screw, Black $17.25
3A WP9709196 WP9709196 Whirlpool Stand Mixer Thumb Screw, Grey $7.39
In-Stock (VEN)
3B 2403743 Thumb Screw (buff) Not Available
5 WPW10323373 Fiber Washer $3.87
In-Stock (VEN)
6 WPW10112253 WPW10112253 Whirlpool Wpw10112253 Stand Mixer Worm Drive Gear $11.33
7 W11082541 Bracket, Worm Gear And Bearing $11.82
Special Order
8 WP9705444 WP9705444 Whirlpool Wp9705444 Stand Mixer Worm Gear Pin $4.05
9 2402102 Gear, Pinion And Shaft Not Available
10 W11192794 W11192794 Whirlpool W11192794 Stand Mixer Bevel Pinion Center Gear $31.25
10 W11192794 W11192794 Whirlpool W11192794 Stand Mixer Bevel Pinion Center Gear $31.25
12 WP240026 Shaft, Vertical Center $7.24
In-Stock (VEN)
13 WP9707223 WP9707223 Whirlpool Wp9707223 Stand Mixer Retaining Pin $3.87
14 WP9705443 WP9705443 Whirlpool Stand Mixer Groove Pin $4.05
In-Stock (VEN)
15 WP4162324 WP4162324 Whirlpool Wp4162324 Stand Mixer Transmission Case Gasket $13.29
16 6750055 O" Ring Not Available
17 WPW10323378 Whirlpool Stand Mixer Washer $8.09
19 NP Pedestal (refer To Color Variation Parts Page) Not Available
19 W11170598 Screw $3.63
In-Stock (VEN)
19 NP Pedestal (refer To Color Variation Parts Page) Not Available
19 NP Pedestal (refer To Color Variation Parts Page) Not Available
19 NP Pedestal (refer To Color Variation Parts Page) Not Available
19 NP Pedestal (refer To Color Variation Parts Page) Not Available
20 WP243368 Shaft-agit $13.89
In-Stock (VEN)
21 WP9703438 WP9703438 Whirlpool Dryer Retaining Ring $3.70
22 W11664709 Pin, Groove $5.44
In-Stock (VEN)
23 WP241877 Screw $3.63
In-Stock (VEN)
25 W10853069 Screw $3.63
In-Stock (VEN)
26 W11097298 Screw $3.63
Special Order
27 WP240309-2 WP240309-2 Whirlpool Wp240309-2 Stand Mixer Worm Gear $30.22
28 4160474 Shaft, Center Agitator Assembly $23.47
In-Stock (VEN)
29 WP8533914 Lockwasher $3.87
In-Stock (VEN)
30 W11173547 Screw $3.63
In-Stock (VEN)
31 WP3400203 1/4-28 X .375 Sl Cp Set Screw $4.05
In-Stock (VEN)
32 W11133645 Whirlpool Stand Mixer Pinion Gear $3.87
Special Order
33 WP9706090 Washer $4.05
In-Stock (VEN)
35 WP240285 WP240285 Whirlpool Stand Mixer Planetary Drip Ring $7.16
Special Order
36 W11028216 Screw $4.05
In-Stock (VEN)
37 W11340106 Gear, Internal $14.69
In-Stock (VEN)
38 WP16897 WP16897 Whirlpool Wp16897 Stand Mixer Lower Bearing $3.87

05 - Motor And Control Unit Parts

Search by Keyword(s):
Diagram for KSM150PSAP0

Item # Part # Description Price / Status Add to Cart  
3 WP9709276 WP9709276 Whirlpool Wp9709276 Stand Mixer Speed Control Lever, Black $4.44
3A WP9709277 Lever-spd $4.35
Special Order
3B 9709278 Lever, Speed Control Assembly (buff) $24.18
In-Stock (VEN)
4 WP3183680 Spring,control Plate $3.87
In-Stock (VEN)
5 WP9704324 Washer, Ball Bearing (front) $3.87
In-Stock (VEN)
6 W11133634 W11133634 Armature $63.23
In-Stock (VEN)
7 W11233557 Washer, Spacing $6.80
Special Order
8 WP16998 Stud, Governor Drive $3.87
In-Stock (VEN)
9 WP3180526 WP3180526 Whirlpool Stand Mixer Bearing Bracket $16.70
Special Order
10 2407751 Seal, End Not Available
11 WPW10131078 Nut $3.87
In-Stock (VEN)
12 WP110679 Screw $4.05
In-Stock (VEN)
12 3180238 Washer, Felt Not Available
13 W10851015 Screw, Stator $3.63
Special Order
13 WP116241 Washer, Spring $4.05
In-Stock (VEN)
14 W11170663 Washer, Lock $3.63
In-Stock (VEN)
15 W11557271 Link-speed $6.67
In-Stock (VEN)
16 WP240205 Spring,flat $4.05
In-Stock (VEN)
17 W10870869 Field Assembly, 120 Volt $49.80
In-Stock (VEN)
18 W11210996 Sleeve $3.63
Special Order
19 WPW10380496 WPW10380496 Whirlpool Wpw10380496 Stand Mixer Motor Brush $3.70
20 W11176201 Screw, Set $3.63
Special Order
21 4162546 Holdr-brus $19.15
In-Stock (VEN)
22 WP3179908 Housing, Brush Holder $3.63
In-Stock (VEN)
23 W11656718 Insert, Brush Holder $4.20
In-Stock (VEN)
24 WP116286 Cap-spring $3.80
In-Stock (VEN)
25 WP116287 Cap-spring $3.87
In-Stock (VEN)
26 WP3184212 Cap-brush $3.87
In-Stock (VEN)
26A WP3184211 Cap, Brush Holder (white) $3.63
In-Stock (VEN)
26B 3184213 Cap, Brush Holder (almond Creme) $23.04
In-Stock (VEN)
27 W11084238 Screw $3.63
In-Stock (VEN)
28 WPW10119326 WPW10119326 Whirlpool Wpw10119326 Stand Mixer Speed Control Plate $14.62
29 WPW10330804 WPW10330804 Whirlpool Wpw10330804 Stand Mixer Governor $12.35
30 WPW10325124 Whirlpool Stand Mixer Phase Control Board Assembly $14.53
31 W11396625 Cord-power $12.11
31A W11545825 Cord-power $10.10
In-Stock (VEN)
32 3184609 Screw $21.92
In-Stock (VEN)
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